22/07/10 07:03

Financial news

Mobistar revises upwards its forecasts for the 2010 financial year and achieves turnover growth of 7.5 % in the first half of 2010

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Brussels, 22 July 2010 - Today, Mobistar publishes its financial results for the first half year of 2010. The operator presents strong growth both in the fixed and mobile data activities during the first six months. The excellent turnover growth and net profit results allow Mobistar to raise its forecasts for the 2010 financial year.

Key facts:

  • The total number of active mobile customers of the Mobistar group was 3,910,839 on 30 June 2010, an increase of 43,679 compared with the end of June 2009.
  • The number of mobile Internet users of Mobistar S.A. rose by 35.9 %, amounting to 93,282 at the end of the first half of 2010. The share of mobile data in the service revenues increased to 31 % at the end of June 2010.
  • Mobistar S.A. had 45,113 ADSL customers on 30 June 2010, an increase of 54.3 % compared to the end of June 2009.
  • Mobistar S.A. recorded 144,108 active ´machine-to-machine´ cards on 30 June 2010, an increase of 23.3 % compared to the end of June 2009.
  • The number of active fixed telephone lines of Mobistar S.A. rose from 138,066 at the end of June 2009 to 164,981 one year later, an increase of 19.5 %.
  • The activities taken over from KPN Belgium Business were renamed Mobistar Enterprise Services S.A. (MES) and the first phase of their integration into the Mobistar group was successfully completed. This new entity has been consolidated since 1 April 2010.
  • The Mobistar group, including consolidation of MES for 3 months, recorded a growth of 7.5 % in the consolidated turnover, which amounted to 818.8 million euros at the end of the first half of 2010. The organic growth amounted to 4.7 %.
  • At the end of June 2010, the Mobistar group recorded an EBITDA margin on service revenues of 37 % (37.8 % excluding MES) compared to 39 % at the end of the first half of 2009. The EBITDA grew by 1.1 %, from 278.4 million euros on 30 June 2009 to 281.6 million euros one year later.
  • The number of postpaid customers of Mobistar S.A. rose by 120,501 in one year, and their weight in the total customer base amounted to 62.2 % at the end of the first half of 2010.
  • Since the resumption of growth in the fourth quarter of 2009, the ARPU of the Mobistar S.A. customers has continued to rise and amounted to 32.03 euros at the end of June 2010, 1.2 % higher than one year earlier.
  • The consolidated net profit of the Mobistar group amounted to 132.4 million euros on 30 June 2010, a growth of 3 % (+ 4.2 % excluding MES) compared to June 2009.
  • The results of the first half of 2010 allow Mobistar to revise its guidance upward for the full financial year with regard to turnover growth, EBITDA, net result and organic cash-flow.

Download the entire press release (.pdf)