A strategy of partnerships
To increase its mobile telephony market share, Orange decided to conclude partnership agreements with Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO´s) and other players interested in launching themselves in mobile telephony.
Interested in a partnership?
Orange also offers possibility of partnerships for Roaming, Mobile Payment/Operator Billing, SMS Premium and interconnect.
Do not hesitate to contact usMVNO starter kit
If you are interested in a wholesales partnership, please contact us.
Download the Wholesales Introduction ToolkitOur partners

Partnership with Transatel
In November 2007, Orange also concluded a partnership agreement with the French company Transatel. The Transatel target groups are mainly international audiences that generate a lot of cross-border traffic. Transatel delivers both mobile telephony services and MVNE support (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler), allowing MVNO´s to launch their own activities as a mobile operator.

Partnership with edpnet
In 2019, edpnet acquired Galaxy Mobile Solutions, a partner of Orange Belgium since 2013. With this MVNO agreement, edpnet, as an independent telecom operator, has a competitive mobile offer on the market for business and private users.