31/10/14 12:04

Corporate news

Mobistar and Taxis Verts launch free Internet in Brussels taxis as of November - Test project Mobistar and Taxis Verts is a première in Belgium

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Brussels, 31 October 2014. As of November, Taxis Verts offers free Internet in 50 taxis in the Brussels Region. Passengers have access to the Internet via Mobistar’s 4G network, which has 99% coverage in Brussels, thanks to a SIM card placed in the taxi. With this Belgian première, taxis are transformed into a true “mobile office” in which passengers can use the time they spend in the taxi in the most efficient way. During the ride, which takes an average of 20 min. in the Capital of Europe, flexible workers can set up a videoconference, update their schedule and consult online documents. Even more, they can charge their mobile devices via a charging station.


The new offer is an extension of the existing partnership between Mobistar and Taxis Verts, which already allows all 1000 drivers to exchange data quickly and efficiently in real time with the taxi central office via their PDA, thanks to the mobile network and through machine-to-machine applications. With this new service, Mobistar and Taxis Verts will now also cater to the needs of the mobile customer who wants to spend the time of the ride as efficiently as possible.

This partnership fits perfectly into Mobistar’s “Enterprise Mobility 3.0” strategy. Mobility today not only has an impact in terms of devices or employees, but has an impact on the entire organisation and on all business processes. Mobistar helps organisations to redesign their mobile strategy, in order to work in a more efficient and mobile way, to intensify customer service and/or improve productivity. Stephane Beauduin, Chief Enterprise and Wholesale Officer at Mobistar: “With this offer, we supply yet another piece of the puzzle for those who want to be able to work any place anytime and we make the mobile office a reality for Taxis Verts clients in Brussels. In early September, a partnership was signed with De Lijn for free Internet on busses and trams in Ghent and Antwerp. Enterprise Mobility 3.0
For Taxis Verts, this partnership is a logical step in its quest for optimal operation and customer service. Michel Pêtre, CEO of Taxis Verts: “As market leader in Brussels, this new service is for us the next step in the pursuit of the best possible customer service. Our clients want to spend their time in a taxi as usefully as possible. By offering them free Internet and a charging station, we seamlessly meet their needs. After this test phase that will last until the end of Q1 2015, our intention is to expand the offer as needed.